throughout my life, i have accumulated a depth of personal experience and professional training in a variety of neuroscience and evidence based counselling practices. therapeutically, i use this knowledge in direct conjunction with the gift of our innate creativity, desire for growth, and my training as an art therapist. fundamentally person centred, relational and trauma informed; my intention as a practitioner is to provide safe space, and culturally sensitive witnessing to your personal process through the human experience.
i have deep interests in shadow and dream work, archetypal exploration, transpersonal psychology, eco and nature based art therapy, as well as social justice, and community activism through public art and collaboration.
with over a decade of front line experience in healthcare, i possess unique and vast experience with those experiencing chronic and complex health issues, grief and loss, existential fear, and compassion fatigue.
my own traumatic experiences, and intrinsic gravitation towards healing are what brought me to this work, and what further armoured me with the compassion and humility to accompany others through hardship.
here, i leave an offering, for those interested in more of my personal journey to discovering art as a catalyst for holistic health, and becoming an art therapist.